Note : Press the “Play Loop” button to use the loop. If you don’t want to use Loop, simply press Start.

Options ;

For example, this is the proxy :

Management ;

Fast Processing Area ;


The chatbot section is very easy to use. It is enough to click enable for the chatbot section to work.

You can click Import and import our comments list.

3 episodes available Dlive TV, Twitch Youtube Video.

Turbo Views : As the name suggests, it sends a very fast impression. The use of this feature only supports Hits to your website. If you want to get a serial impression on your website, you can choose here.

Important Shortcut Keys

On the program;

* Pressing CTRL + HCloses All Tabs and Stops Processes

C TRL + T to transfer the proxy list in the Seo Zone txt file

CTRL + R to transfer the proxy list in the quick action zone txt file

CTRL + Y to export the list of identities in the User Agent txt file

Youtube Like Dislike and Subscribe

When you have a Youtube video watched directly, the video opens for impression like, dislike or subscribers.

Well, does it not work in other systems “Of course it works”. How can I run it?

It makes a very simple Google membership login and searches for youtube. income likes and subscribes to the video

Logs in with Google, google searches the video, finds the video, clicks, starts watching, likes the video after 5 seconds and subscribes to the channel

In other words, the end of the job is to search for the youtube video or make the operations directly on the youtube video. 👍

Well, can I send the views from the account and continue to watch them when I like and subscribe. ? Of course, we have integrated satin tracking in the system that you can turn off at any time and as a completely free system from top to bottom. For that reason, anyone who wishes can log in to google and watch them.


User login can make Dlive TV membership login and watch video


You can use it within Twich and other platforms attached to it.

<3:!::?: HINT :!::?:<3

1) If you are doing “Search Youtube”, selecting youtube from the “play” section will make the video pop up because it automatically starts the video. (If Search Youtube is selected, “play: youtube” should not be selected)

2) Apple safari etc. from the user agent section. The reason for not doing the task given in operations such as search for google if it is used, search for youtube: the algorithm in the browser interface is completely changed. For this reason, when using Useragent Chrome Firefox etc. areas, it is useful to choose the section you get from the section you get more efficiency from.

3) Did you know that the SEO region is more compatible with the use of constantly changing strings like mobile proxy?

4)Turbo views Websitenize

In the program, the strategy is at the limit, so do not know the limit, combining the strategy with the thought, good work awaits you..

My favorite person is the one who creates his own idea by kneading his own strategy with mind and works with difference.

4k Views Team

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