Proxy Preference List

There are many vendors in the market and it is not possible to test them according to the platforms, therefore we cannot recommend Proxy to buy from here ! Before purchasing a proxy, definitely ask for “Test” on the site you want to buy, 1-2 weeks long-term testing and purchase according to the result and […]

4k Views Guidebook

SEO AREA ; Proxy List : It is the proxy that is wanted to run in the browser. Each browser runs different proxies. Takes proxies sequentially. “Title” Web Url : url or title, url only for direct url. Google search, Youtube search For Title should be used. Opening Range Random : is the browser’s active […]

Installation Information

The latest version is downloaded from the 4k Views Google Drive directory. It is installed. Smoothly Working Windows Versions Windows 10 Windows Server 2016 Windows Server 2019 Net framework, which is an indispensable driver for a computer, has frequently come across when using all kinds of programs. These drivers must be installed for the 4k […]

Manage Cookies (Profiles)

Cookie Management Profiles; Default : Every new browser opens with zero cookies. Even if zero cookies are opened in each new browser, previous cookies are automatically saved. You can access the previously opened cookies from “ C:\Users\4k Views\AppData\Local\Temp ” section. You can access the section where it says ” 4k Views ” by typing the […]

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